Recenzja redaktora · 29 września 2023
Specyfikacja techniczna
- Tytuł
- Free Batch Photo Resizer 2.4 dla Windows
- Wymagania
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Język
- Dostępne języki
- Angielski
- Licencja
- Darmowa
- Ostatnia aktualizacja
- Autor
- SunlitGreen Software
- SHA-1
- Nazwa pliku
- SGPRSetup.exe
Program dostępny w innych językach
Lista zmian
Nie mamy jeszcze żadnych informacji o dzienniku zmian wersji 2.4 Free Batch Photo Resizer. Czasami wydawcy poświęcają trochę czasu na udostępnienie tych informacji, więc sprawdź ponownie za kilka dni, aby sprawdzić, czy zostały zaktualizowane.
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Przeglądaj aplikacje
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Batch Image Converter
Prosty wsadowy zmniejszacz i konwerter obrazów
Free Picture Resizer
Free Picture Resizer is a great app that lets you undertake basic image editing, such as resizing, flipping and rotating images, and applying filters and color alterations. The app's most advanced feature is the batch converter. This allows you to perform various actions, such as renaming and resizing photos, changing the image format, setting rotation, modifying the color gamut, and adding filters etc. To help you along, it has a four-step wizard that can assist you in setting up each batch conversion. Key features include: Batch processing Filters Colour correction Lightweight With Free Picture Resizer you can resize and optimize images easily. You can use the wizard to help or you can manually adjust your own settings. It allows you to set custom contrast, hue, saturation, and luminance levels, and you can apply various filters to achieve your desired result. Overall, Free Picture Resizer is top tool for making small adjustments to individual photos or batches of images. It is relatively lightweight and has a small footprint. That being said, although Free Picture Resizer is both functional and intuitive, the app’s interface does look a tad dated.
Batch Rename .EXE
Bezproblemowe zarządzanie plikami z Batch Rename .EXE
Batch PSD to JPG
Konwerter wsadowy PSD na JPG dla prostoty
Picture Resizer
Darmowe oprogramowanie do manipulacji obrazami
Batch File Rename
Efektywne narzędzie do zmiany nazw plików dla użytkowników systemu Windows
IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free
IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is a free partition magic app to help expand, move, shrink, and merge partitions without destroying the data. It only takes a few clicks in order for the app to rearrange the disk partition information, and also keep your files untouched in the process. Key Features include: Resize/Move partition. Format partition. Delete partition. Copy partition. Wipe disk/partition. Delete all partitions. Check partition. Defragment. Set active. View proportions of disk or partition. Change drive Letter. Change label. Explorer partition. Convert to logical partition. Convert to primary partition. Convert to FAT32. Change label. Explorer partition. Hide partition. Set readonly and clear readonly. IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is able to increase the boot volume in order to save your system from reformatting disk, reinstalling the operating system, and moving data to other places. Resizing the system partition is an easy job to perform even for novice users. Not only can you extend the size of your boot partition, but you can also shrink/extend the disk volume size without losing data. This is a great way to decrease a large volume that holds too much free space without formatting it, and redistribute the free space in order to extend other partitions with data untouched. You can also merge partitions, and perform other partition management functions apart from resizing partition, such as the ability to format partitions, delete volumes, copy partitions, create partitions, and erase partitions. IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is a superb utility that has a flexible approach to disk management. It has a standard, uncomplicated interface that can be navigated by users of all levels of expertise, and the variety of functions is first rate. If you need a free disk management tool that is easy to use, has some good flexibility and doesn’t leave a massive footprint, then IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is good choice.
Photoscape X Pro
Photoscape X Pro* is a an all-in-one photo editing app, which comes equipped with all manner of photo-related features, including a photo viewer, editor, batch support, collage tools, combine tool, GIF creation tool, a color picker, a screen capture tool, and RAW image support. Key Features include: Editor: Rotate, Resize, Crop, Color Adjustment, Film Effect, Light Leak, Backlight Correction, Bloom, HDR, Dehaze. White Balance, Curves, Paint Brush, Spot Healing Brush, Red Eye Correction, Liquify. Batch: Batch edit multiple photos. Viewer: Photo Browser, Full Screen Viewer, Batch Rename, Batch Resize, Batch Format Change, Lossless Rotate, Share (Email,Twitter,Facebook,Picasa,Flickr), Exif Viewer. Collage: Merge multiple photos on the collage frame to create one final photo. Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo. GIF Creator: Create Animated GIF. Print: Print photos. Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it. Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color. Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode. Languages: English, Español, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese, Korean. Overall, Photoscape X Pro is a very functional, photo editing app, that is a great alternative to some of the more well-known editing suites available. Note: this is a free trial: You can try a *time-unlimited* free trial of Photoscape X Pro before deciding to make a purchase. *Photoscape X Pro Requires WIN 10.
Ostatnia aktualizacja
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