Par for the Dungeon dla Windows

Sleeping Giant Games(Płatność)

Ocena użytkownika8

Par for the Dungeon Review

Swing into adventure and explore vibrant worlds with "Par for the Dungeon," a puzzle game that reimagines traditional golf with a blend of adventure, strategy, and action elements. Join Cal on a mission to defeat Bogeys and save their dog through over 100 levels of challenging gameplay.

In "Par for the Dungeon," you'll navigate Cal through diverse environments like towns, crypts, and forests, using tools such as grapple hooks and laser beams to overcome obstacles and reach the hole in as few moves as possible. The game offers rankings, new challenges, and customization options for Cal, providing a unique and engaging puzzle-solving experience.


Par for the Dungeon, dla Windows
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 11
Dodano datę:
Friday, February 23rd 2024
Sleeping Giant Games

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Par for the Dungeon dla PC

Sleeping Giant Games(Płatność)

Ocena użytkownika8

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