Book of Travels dla Windows

Might and Delight(Płatność)

Ocena użytkownika8

Księga Podróży: Unikalne doświadczenie społeczne w grze fabularnej

Book of Travels by Might and Delight is a compelling adventure game that offers a unique roleplaying experience. Unlike traditional games, it doesn't have predetermined goals or narratives. Instead, players are free to explore the hand-drawn universe of the peninsula of Braided Shore, which is filled with hidden places and secluded nooks. Interactions with other players are infrequent but meaningful, making each encounter distinct. The absence of an overarching goal allows players to choose their own paths and become part of a thriving online community. With ever-changing fellowships, players can create their own narratives, tell their own tales, and indulge in the wonder of endless discovery. Book of Travels is an invitation to embark on an extraordinary journey where imagination knows no bounds.


Book of Travels, dla Windows
  • Windows 11
Dodano datę:
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
Might and Delight

Book of Travels dla PC

Might and Delight(Płatność)

Ocena użytkownika8

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