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Recenzja redaktora · 14 listopada 2022

IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is a free partition magic app to help expand, move, shrink, and merge partitions without destroying the data.

It only takes a few clicks in order for the app to rearrange the disk partition information, and also keep your files untouched in the process.

Key Features include:

  • Resize/Move partition.
  • Format partition.
  • Delete partition.
  • Copy partition.
  • Wipe disk/partition.
  • Delete all partitions.
  • Check partition.
  • Defragment.
  • Set active.
  • View proportions of disk or partition.
  • Change drive Letter.
  • Change label.
  • Explorer partition.
  • Convert to logical partition.
  • Convert to primary partition.
  • Convert to FAT32.
  • Change label.
  • Explorer partition.
  • Hide partition.
  • Set readonly and clear readonly.

IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is able to increase the boot volume in order to save your system from reformatting disk, reinstalling the operating system, and moving data to other places. Resizing the system partition is an easy job to perform even for novice users.

Not only can you extend the size of your boot partition, but you can also shrink/extend the disk volume size without losing data. This is a great way to decrease a large volume that holds too much free space without formatting it, and redistribute the free space in order to extend other partitions with data untouched. You can also merge partitions, and perform other partition management functions apart from resizing partition, such as the ability to format partitions, delete volumes, copy partitions, create partitions, and erase partitions.

IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is a superb utility that has a flexible approach to disk management. It has a standard, uncomplicated interface that can be navigated by users of all levels of expertise, and the variety of functions is first rate. If you need a free disk management tool that is easy to use, has some good flexibility and doesn’t leave a massive footprint, then IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is good choice.

Powiększony obraz dla IM-Magic Partition Resize…
IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free 0/2

Specyfikacja techniczna

IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free 4.4 dla Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows XP
Dostępne języki
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IM-Magic Inc
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