Heroes of Might and Magic V na Windows
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- Wersja testowa
- demo
Specyfikacja techniczna
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- Heroes of Might and Magic V demo dla Windows
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- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
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- Angielski
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- Autor
- ubi
- SHA-1
- Nazwa pliku
- homm5_demo.zip
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Heroes of Might and Magic V na Windows
- Przez ubi
- Wersja testowa
- demo
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Powiązane oprogramowanie
Magic Excel Recovery
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WinRAR 64-bit
WinRAR jest archiwizującym programem użytkowym, który w pełni obsługuje archiwa RAR i ZIP i jest w stanie rozpakować archiwa CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z. Program tworzy mniejsze archiwa, niż konkurencyjne programy, oszczędzając miejsce na dysku i koszt transferu. Program WinRAR oferuje interaktywny interfejs graficzny, z którego można korzystać używając myszy i menu. Dostępna jest również obsługa z wiersza poleceń. Program WinRAR jest łatwiejszy w użyciu, niż konkurencyjne produkty, ponieważ zawiera specjalny tryb kreatora, pozwalający na natychmiastowy dostęp do podstawowych funkcji archiwizacji poprzez serię prostych pytań. WinRAR oferuje funkcję najsilniejszego dostępnego szyfrowania AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) z 128-bitowym kluczem. Obsługuje pliki i archiwa o wielkości do 8 589 miliardów gigabajtów. Oferuje również tworzenie samorozpakowujących się i wieloczęściowych archiwów. Używając części awaryjnych i dziennika awaryjnego można zrekonstruować nawet fizycznie uszkodzone archiwa.
Might and Magic Clash of Heroes
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ArcSoft Magic-i Visual Effects
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Magic Partition Recovery
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PhotoFiltre is an image manipulation and retouching app. With it you can accomplish simple or advanced adjustments and also apply a vast range of filters. PhotoFiltre has a simple user interface that is intuitive to use: the app has a standard looking explorer set-up, with a tool bar providing access to the filters and drawing tools, such as pipette, displacement cursor, fill bucket, aerosol, brush, drop of water (blur), cloning stamp, smudge (finger) and magic wand. Key features: Image browser. Plug-in management. TWAIN compatible device scan support. Transparency management for GIF images and icon export support. Advanced text effects (rotation, shading, bevel). Several types of contours and textures. Blending and assembling of images. PhotoFiltre has a wide range of filters to allow users to get to grips with this type of image manipulation. The app has standard adjustment functions; brightness, contrast, dyed, saturation, gamma correction, and some more artistic filters; watercolour, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect etc. PhotoFiltre has a tool called the PhotoMasque module. With this tool you can create advanced effects of transparency on your images by using pre-set masks. PhotoMasque has several basic masks and you can also create your own. Overall, the app has some really good features and it is easy to get to grips with. The user interface is simple by design and even the novice user will be able to use the standard filter effects.
Grand Theft Auto V
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Magic Timed Shutdown
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Script Hook V
Darmowy menedżer modów dla Windows
Windows USB/DVD Download Tool
The Windows USB/DVD Download tool has been designed to allow you to create a bootable copy of your Windows 7/8 ISO file on a USB flash drive* or a DVD. In order to create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, simply download the ISO file you need and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. once completed you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD onto your system. To install Windows from your USB flash drive or DVD, just insert the USB flash drive into your USB port or insert your DVD into your DVD drive and run Setup.exe from the root folder on the drive. In order to create a bootable USB device you need to have a Windows image file and *USB storage device that is large enough to accommodate the files. Windows USB/DVD Download tool’s interface is easy-to-use and will walk you through all required steps and fields. Basically you select the ISO file and the storage device you wan to use and you are all set. Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool has notable advantages, namely, taking advantage of the USB drive speed and shortening the time it takes to install the operating system.
Macrium Reflect
A complete disaster recovery solution for your home and office. Protect your personal documents, photos, music and emails. Upgrade your hard disk or try new operating systems in the safe knowledge that everything is securely saved in an easily recovered backup file. Don't compromise your data integrity with second best Macrium Reflect uses leading data compression techniques to create accurate and reliable images of your hard disk or partitions on your disk. Simple step by step operation Image and Restore using intuitive wizards and interfaces. Macrium Reflect integrates fully with Windows Explorer, a partition image can be created with a simple right click. Automate the process With Macrium Reflect you can schedule Images to run at any time. Disk space management ensures that you optimize the available space on external drives. Restore individual files and folders Create a 'Virtual' drive in Windows Explorer and recover selected files and directories using simple copy and paste operations. Recovery In the event of a total loss of the Windows operating system your PC can be started using the Reflect recovery CD. Please note that beginning with version 5.2.6544 we are providing the Macrium Installer, which will automatically download the correct version for your PC. It will also download any necessary Windows components for you. You can get more information about this installer on the Macrium knowledge base.
ALLPlayer is one of the most popular programs for watching movies with matching subtitles. It plays all known media formats, RAR files, and futhermore has an implemented LiveUpdate function to update the latest codecs if there is a problem with opening a movie file. Main features: Most popular formats such as DivX, XviD, MP3, and AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, M2TS, MPG, MPEG, RMVB, WMV, QuickTime, MOV, FLAC, APE, and many more less known formats can be played thanks to codecs downloaded by the program (only ALLPlayer needs to be installed). DVD support. Two monitors or monitor and TV support. Support for Dolby Surround, SPDIF and 3D audio. Intelligent subtitles - the program checks the length of the subtitles and sets the time duration. Subtitles editor. LiveUpdate - an option for detecting missing codecs needed to open a file. AVI Doctor - repairs damaged avi files. This function allows you to watch a movie which is damaged, or a movie which is downloading.
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Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery Platinum
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OBS Studio
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Scan X
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Ulimate PC Optimizer
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Magic Timed Shutdown
Efektywne narzędzie do automatycznego wyłączania dla użytkowników systemu Windows
Internet Explorer 8
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