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Recenzja redaktora · 11 grudnia 2024

Free-to-play Persona spinoff

  • *Persona 5: The Phantom X** is a **free-to-play** adventure from SEGA and Atlus. This role-playing game (RPG) brings the classic Persona experience to a new generation of fans who need to switch personas. Like the rest of its franchise, it also features the same flashy art style and an original soundtrack. More importantly, it features a new cast of central characters. Retaining most of the key gameplay elements, Persona 5: The Phantom X is a worthy spinoff to the massively popular Persona 5 series, despite a few issues. Other entries include Persona 5 Royal and Persona 5 Strikers.
  • *Relive Tokyo from a new perspective**

Like the rest of Persona 5 games, Persona 5: The Phantom X is set in a fictionalized version of Tokyo, Japan. This time, however, you will be following a new main character. While it also follows a high school student who has recently awakened his persona, it features an all-new story to follow. With it comes new quests, abilities, and interactions. Visually speaking, P5X retains the signature art style of the Persona franchise. Expect realistic color palettes, stylized line art, and a user interface that is instantly recognizable for returning players. For new players, though, the gameplay has its own learning curve. It features a turn-based combat system with a complex mechanic based on stats and elemental relationships. You can still Ambush or Hold Up enemies with the right opportunity. Aside from the new story and new characters, most of the game elements still remain the same. It has a lot of secrets and easter eggs, not to mention that it certainly packs some particularly difficult encounters. Also, expect a shorter playthrough compared to its console counterparts. With that said, it still has a unique story that wraps up nicely.

Powiększony obraz dla Persona 5: The Phantom X
Persona 5: The Phantom X 0/1

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Persona 5: The Phantom X 1.1 dla Windows
Windows 11
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