Processing na Windows
- Przez Processing Team
- Darmowa
- 4.0-beta-2
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- Processing 4.0-beta-2 dla Windows
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- Processing Team
- SHA-1
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Processing na Windows
- Przez Processing Team
- Darmowa
- 4.0-beta-2
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WinRAR 64-bit
WinRAR jest archiwizującym programem użytkowym, który w pełni obsługuje archiwa RAR i ZIP i jest w stanie rozpakować archiwa CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z. Program tworzy mniejsze archiwa, niż konkurencyjne programy, oszczędzając miejsce na dysku i koszt transferu. Program WinRAR oferuje interaktywny interfejs graficzny, z którego można korzystać używając myszy i menu. Dostępna jest również obsługa z wiersza poleceń. Program WinRAR jest łatwiejszy w użyciu, niż konkurencyjne produkty, ponieważ zawiera specjalny tryb kreatora, pozwalający na natychmiastowy dostęp do podstawowych funkcji archiwizacji poprzez serię prostych pytań. WinRAR oferuje funkcję najsilniejszego dostępnego szyfrowania AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) z 128-bitowym kluczem. Obsługuje pliki i archiwa o wielkości do 8 589 miliardów gigabajtów. Oferuje również tworzenie samorozpakowujących się i wieloczęściowych archiwów. Używając części awaryjnych i dziennika awaryjnego można zrekonstruować nawet fizycznie uszkodzone archiwa.
NewsLeecher is one of the best news readers for Usenet and for good reason, it has stood the test of time and evolved to keep up with its competitors. In recent years NewsLeecher have improved on their search feature and have added new features such as ‘SuperLeech’, which helps users automatically download content without having to initiate the download manually. Key Features include: SuperSearch SuperSearch lets you search ‘all’ available binary Usenet groups simultaneously for specific key-words or key-strings. SuperLeech SuperLeech makes it possible to configure NewsLeecher to download wanted files 100% automatically, minutes after they have been posted to Usenet. NZB Files Fully Supported NewsLeecher can create and export NZB files directly from articles in a group view, or from SuperSearch results. NewsLeecher has all the features that most newsreaders offer, such as NZB support, automatic processing of downloaded files, and support for backup servers. What makes NewsLeecher stand out from the crowd are tools such as the built in spam filter, the ability to browse headers directly and new tools like ‘SuperSearch’ which lets you quickly search through the entire Usenet without downloading any headers. Overall, if you’re in the market for an all in one newsreader that has a few handy features, NewsLeecher might be the right app for you?
NetInfo is an array of network diagnostic tools wrapped up in a single, easy-to-use interface. The app gives you the tools* you need in order to effectively combat network downtime. With it you can accurately isolate faults, simplify diagnostic data processing and increase internal network security. Key Features include: Quickly verify network connectivity to another IP address on the network. Display a list of routers between your system and the destination system. Display information about users currently logged on to a specified server. Scans host names for a particular range of IP addresses and displays the state of each address. Lists the available network services - HTTP, Telnet, DNS, SMTP, etc. for a particular host. NetInfo is a great app for locating bottlenecks in your network. NetInfo analyzes your connection and different aspects of the Internet in order to isolate potential issues. As soon as it locates where the problem lies, it provides you with a selection of tools, which help you solve it. *NetInfo tools include Local Info, Connections, Ping, Trace, Lookup, Finger, Whois, Daytime, Time, Quote, HTML, Scanner, Services, E-mail, and Web Center.
Adobe Bridge CC
Adobe Bridge, an all-in-one management tool for multimedia files, can help you accomplish many diverse objectives. Essentially, this centralised solution will help organise all of the many photos, videos and songs scattered around your PC. Basic editing features are also included, a welcome relief to those looking to breathe new life into their content. Even if you have no experience of image manager software, Adobe Bridge’s interface will guide you through with ease. Key features include: Integrates with other Adobe products. Bulk import, export and preview CC libraries assets. Highly customisable. Edit photo capture time. Drag-and-drop file flexibility. Support for CEP HTML5. Batch processing. Import photos and videos from mobile devices. Quick organisation. Cache management. Once-lost files can be found and organised in a wealth of ways thanks to this handy program. You can even add ratings, labels and tags to make sure they can be found in the most straightforward way. A priceless feature if you have thousands of files. Metadata can be handled with care and precision thanks to Adobe Bridge. This will allow you to create templates and have better control over your files. Batch commands are also a brilliant addition to this program’s armoury. Not only can you save time, it will also help you better organise and redistribute all of your content with more precision. Overall, Adobe Bridge is a powerful and accomplished solution. It integrates well with other Adobe products and focusses on saving time and cutting out frustration, while also delivering an expert service.
Color Planner
Dlaczego potrzebujemy planera kolorów do dekoracji domu?
SmartVizor Variable Barcode Label Printing Software
SmartVizor Publishing Software is a powerful, stand alone, and extremely easy to use printing application. The SmartVizor Suite of tools, is a truly viable software solution designed for creating personalized communications and professional one to one documents to help your business stand out from the crowd and impress your customers. The key to SmartVizor's innate intuitiveness lies with its rather excellent graphical user interface. (GUI) It functions as an easy-to-use design tool that will have you designing beautiful looking boilerplate for your documents quickly and easily. Crucially, you can also use any application to create your boilerplate documents. This can be a real time-saver if you receive boilerplate documents from sources outside your company (such as from customers) because you don't have to painstakingly re-create the documents in-house. (Or employ unreliable freelancers to do it.) SmartVizor can be used to create new designs from scratch and can merge any design with any database and can print on any printer. That's a key point that separates SmartVizor from the rest of the crowd. SmartVisor supports any printer in the Windows operating system. SmartVizor has also been designed so that you can use a OLE Object file as your boilerplate document. This means you can use Adobe InDesign or Adobe PageMaker,Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Word or virtually any application to create your boilerplate-documents. When you use SmartVizor for your variable-data-printing projects, virtually any word-processing application or page-layout application can be used to create your boilerplate documents (master documents). SmartVizor can also extract data from most database formats including all the usual suspects such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft FoxPro, delimited ASCII (.csv, .txt), MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and IBM DB2. (We'd never heard of IBM DB2, but have been assured that it is a real thing. Go figure.) SmartVizor also provides ODBC support, so you can connect directly to your database and use SQL statements if you want to. SmartVizor excels when it comes barcodes and barcode printing, supporting over 50 symbologies including Code 128, Data Matrix, USPS OneCode, EAN-128, UPC/EAN, ITF, QR Code, Code 16k, PDF417, MicroPDF417, LOGMARS, Maxicode, GS1 DataBar, Aztec, Composite Symbols and more.
Rufus to małe narzędzie, które może formatować i tworzyć rozruchowe dyski flash USB, takie jak klucze USB lub pendrive oraz karty pamięci. Rufus jest przydatny w następujących scenariuszach: Jeśli musisz utworzyć nośnik instalacyjny USB z rozruchowych plików ISO dla systemów Windows, Linux i UEFI. Jeśli musisz pracować w systemie bez zainstalowanego systemu operacyjnego. Jeśli potrzebujesz flashować BIOS lub inne oprogramowanie z DOS-a. Jeśli chcesz uruchomić narzędzie niskiego poziomu. Rufus może współpracować z następującymi * ISO: Arch Linux, Archbang, BartPE / pebuilder, CentOS, Damn Small Linux, Fedora, FreeDOS, Gentoo, gNewSense, Hiren's Boot CD, LiveXP, Knoppix, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, NT Registry Registry Editor, OpenSUSE, Parted Magic, Slackware, Tails, Trinity Rescue Kit, Ubuntu, Ultimate Boot CD, Windows XP (SP2 lub nowszy), Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8. * Ta lista nie jest wyczerpująca. Obsługiwane języki to: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Ceština, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Latviešu, Lietuviu, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português do Brasil, Româna, Slovensky, Slovenšcina, Srpski, Suomi, Svenska i Türkçe.
FotoSketcher is a free application, which can automatically turn digital images into works of art. FotoSketcher's user interface features a main window with before-and-after panes that is sat on a standard toolbar. The application allows you to use numerous styles including pencil sketch, oil painting, watercolour, pastel, drawing, cartoon, pen and ink, and sepia/vintage photo. Key Features Include: No artistic skill needed. More than 25 effects. Batch mode allows users to modify multiple images at once. Available in 23 different languages. FotoSketcher can be used straight away, with virtually no learning curve and the user interface is extremely easy to use. As well as the ability to change your images into art, the application can also perform image correction and retouching; automatic contrast improvement, change colour saturation, resize or rotate image, add various frames etc. Overall, FotoSketcher is a simple tool for applying all kinds of effects to your digital images. It comes with a large range of filters and options, an easy to use split-screen layout, and familiar controls.
Code::Blocks for Mac is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE that has a custom build system and optional Make support. The application has been designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Code::Blocks is an IDE packed full of all the features you will need. It has a consistent look, feel and operation across its supported platforms. It has been built around a plugin framework, therefore Code::Blocks can be extended with plugins. Support for any kind of functionality can be added by installing/coding a plugin. Key features include: Written in C++. No interpreted languages or proprietary libs needed.. Full plugin support. Multiple compiler support: GCC (MingW / GNU GCC), MSVC++, clang, Digital Mars, Borland C++ 5.5, and Open Watcom etc. Support for parallel builds. Imports Dev-C++ projects. Debugger with full breakpoints support. Cross-platform. Code::Blocks' interface is both customizable and extensible with Syntax highlighting, a tabbed interface, Class Browser, a to-do list manager with different users, and many more features that are provided through plugins. Looking for the Mac version of Code::Blocks? Download Here
Free Picture Resizer
Free Picture Resizer is a great app that lets you undertake basic image editing, such as resizing, flipping and rotating images, and applying filters and color alterations. The app's most advanced feature is the batch converter. This allows you to perform various actions, such as renaming and resizing photos, changing the image format, setting rotation, modifying the color gamut, and adding filters etc. To help you along, it has a four-step wizard that can assist you in setting up each batch conversion. Key features include: Batch processing Filters Colour correction Lightweight With Free Picture Resizer you can resize and optimize images easily. You can use the wizard to help or you can manually adjust your own settings. It allows you to set custom contrast, hue, saturation, and luminance levels, and you can apply various filters to achieve your desired result. Overall, Free Picture Resizer is top tool for making small adjustments to individual photos or batches of images. It is relatively lightweight and has a small footprint. That being said, although Free Picture Resizer is both functional and intuitive, the app’s interface does look a tad dated.
Adobe Air
Środowisko wykonawcze Adobe® AIR pozwala Ci mieć przy sobie ulubione aplikacje internetowe. Ponieważ aplikacje zbudowane dla Adobe AIR działają na komputerze stacjonarnym bez przeglądarki internetowej, zapewniają całą wygodę aplikacji komputerowej. Firmy takie jak eBay i AOL używają Adobe AIR do tworzenia nowych, ekscytujących aplikacji, które pozwalają korzystać z ich usług na pulpicie. Krótko mówiąc, Adobe AIR oznacza aplikacje łatwiejsze, wydajniejsze i przyjemniejsze w użyciu. Bądź bezpieczny w Internecie: Adobe AIR pomaga zapewnić bezpieczne instalacje, wymagając podpisów cyfrowych w każdej aplikacji AIR, która identyfikuje aplikację i jej twórcę przed instalacją.
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