Video Edit Pro - Video Trim dla Mac



Ocena użytkownika8

Profesjonalne oprogramowanie do edycji wideo dla użytku osobistego

Video Edit Pro - Video Trim is a professional video editing software bundle designed for personal use. It offers a range of features that allow users to modify the format and content of media files. With support for multiple codecs, this software can handle all major video formats.

One of the standout features of Video Edit Pro - Video Trim is its efficiency. Despite its powerful capabilities, the software only requires 10.8 megabytes of memory, making it lightweight and easy to use.

Users can adjust audio levels to ensure the best sound quality for their videos. Additionally, unwanted segments can be quickly deleted, allowing for precise editing.

However, there are some limitations to consider. Video Edit Pro - Video Trim does not offer more advanced editing options, which may be a drawback for users who require more extensive editing capabilities. The number of supported export formats is also limited, which could restrict users in terms of sharing their edited videos.

Furthermore, it's important to note that the trial version of the software displays a large watermark, which can be distracting for users evaluating the software. Finally, a simple "undo" option is not offered, which may make it more challenging to correct mistakes during the editing process.

Overall, Video Edit Pro - Video Trim is a reliable video editing software bundle for personal use, offering essential editing features in a user-friendly package.


Video Edit Pro - Video Trim, 3.3.5 dla Mac
  • Mac OS (68k/PPC)
Dodano datę:
Monday, November 27th 2023

Video Edit Pro - Video Trim dla Mac



Ocena użytkownika8

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