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Recenzja redaktora · 8 czerwca 2022

USB Block is a data leak prevention software that lets you restrict the unauthorized USB Ports, External Drives, Flash Disks and much more. This data security software lets you limit all such untrusted devices that you do not trust and enables you to use the trusted devices by whitelisting them. In this way, you can protect your files, folders, photos, videos, documents and much more. In the same way, USB Block protects your files and folders from being burned directly to CDs/DVDs, etc. you can restrict such act with the help of USB Block and have a complete peace of mind.

This data leak prevention software also blocks unauthorized network computers, non-system drives and much more to keep malicious activity as far away as possible from your PC! If you use several computers in your office, installing USB Block on each computer can be your ticket to safe computing!

Utilize this USB blocking software in your office and make sure your important files are not being illegally copied by your employees. Whenever an external device is plugged into your PC, USB Block prompts for a password. If you enter the correct password, the software will give you full access to that drive, however, if you enter the incorrect password, you won't be given any access to view, copy and modify files from the drive. USB Block is an improved USB Blocking software that restricts all the drives, disk, and ports that are unauthorized.

Above all, USB Block lets you block devices even in safe mode, making it impossible for the third party to copy your personal files and documents from the boot menu. Similarly, you can also activate and use the Stealth Mode feature to stay invisible and prevent anyone from discovering your private files and folders. This software is updated with the latest features and is perfectly compatible with 23-bit and 64-bit versions.

Powiększony obraz dla USB Block
USB Block 0/6

Specyfikacja techniczna

USB Block 1.8.1 dla Windows
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
Dostępne języki
  • Niemiecki
  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Włoski
  • Holenderski
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