The Missing Sync for Sony PSP na Mac
- Przez Markspace
- Wersja testowa
- 1.0.2
Recenzja redaktora · 28 listopada 2023
Specyfikacja techniczna
- Tytuł
- The Missing Sync for Sony PSP 1.0.2 dla Mac
- Wymagania
- Mac OS X
- Język
- Dostępne języki
- Angielski
- Licencja
- Wersja testowa
- Ostatnia aktualizacja
- Autor
- Markspace
- SHA-1
- Nazwa pliku
- missing_sync_psp.dmg
Program dostępny w innych językach
The Missing Sync for Sony PSP na Mac
- Przez Markspace
- Wersja testowa
- 1.0.2
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PPSSPP for Mac
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution, and play them on Android too. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP. Key features include: Play in HD resolution. Support for big-screen mobile gaming. Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard. Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime. Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling. Continue where you left off by transferring saves from your real PSP. PPSSPP is an great emulator for the Sony PlayStation Portable console. The application supports loading the ROMs of PSP games (ISO, CSO, PBP, ELF files). Overall, PPSSPP is a very good PSP emulator. The graphics are well structured and display a sound likeness to the original format. The user interface is simplistic and easy on the eyes. It must be said though, the optimization settings and emulation parameters are aimed at more expert gamers and not for novice users. *Please note you need to own an original copy of the game you are emulating in order to use PPSSPP. In order to run PPSSPP on the Mac OS X platform, Mac OS X 10.6 or above (requires SDL2, install using Homebrew). the following steps have to be undertaken in order to run the application successfully. Install SDL2 via Homebrew. Download Xcode from the Mac App Store. Open Xcode, and let it download the required prerequisites. Quit Xcode and open the Terminal app. Paste this into a Terminal window: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL er/install)" Follow the instructions, and wait for installation to finish. Paste this into a Terminal window: brew install sdl2 Once you have undertaken these steps, then PPSSPP for Mac will run smoothly.
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