Comodo IceDragon 32-bit dla Windows


Ocena użytkownika8

Comodo IceDragon is a Firefox-based web browser that delivers great security and blistering browsing speeds. Upon downloading IceDragon, you are given the option to set your internet connection to use Comodo's SecureDNS service, which provides you with even faster page loading speeds.

IceDragon is fully compatible with all Firefox plugins and extensions so you can still have all the functionality of Mozilla's Firefox browser but with Comodo's superior privacy and security features. One such feature is the SiteInspector, which will scan a web page and check whether it is malicious before you actually visit the page. Once the scan is finished, you are given a full report of the site's safety, domain registration details, administration contacts and a history of all malicious scans that have been performed on the website.

Getting started with IceDragon is quick and easy. Once you are up and running you will notice the look and design is very similar to Firefox, with the addition of IceDragon's blue dragon logo. If you are looking for a fast and secure browser, then you certainly won't be disappointed with Comodo IceDragon.

Comodo IceDragon's main features include:

  • Websites load faster than if you continue to use the DNS server provided by your ISP
  • SiteInspector's link scanning feature allows you to check whether a web page is malicious before you actually visit that page
  • SecureDNS provides a malware domain filtering feature
  • SecureDNS references a real-time block list (RBL) of harmful websites
  • Social media button means you can easily share your web-finds on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Why not check out TechBeat's guide to other alternative browsers. Click here for the 64-bit version of Comodo IceDragon.


Comodo IceDragon 32-bit, dla Windows
Rozmiar pliku:
81.01 MB
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows 2003
Dostępne języki:
  • Polski,
  • Angielski,
  • Niemiecki,
  • Hiszpański,
  • Francuski,
  • Włoski,
  • Japoński,
  • Chiński
Dodano datę:
Wednesday, June 19th 2019


Comodo IceDragon 32-bit dla PC


Ocena użytkownika8

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