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Gemini Groove is an MP3-compatible DJing application that provides all the tools that you need for mixing it up and creating that perfect sound.

The basic layout is two virtual turntables and a mixing console sat in the middle of the two. As with a real turntable, each deck has its own pitch. There is also a loops and effects console, three cues and the tracks' progress bar. The console also has a three-range equalizer, individual volume controls, master volume and a cross-fader.

The application is fairly easy to get to grips with and comes with a few cool functions, such as an automix function that allows you to fade into tracks. The feature also allows you to control the duration and style of fades. It also has support for MIDI controllers.

Gemini Groove does have some shortcomings too though. Gemini Groove's user interface is not very intuitive, and is a little clumsy. The application hasn't got a great selection of effects, there is no skinning and really annoyingly there is not auto BPM. That being said, the interface does show you all you need and the cross-fader is very good. Overall it isn't that bad for a starter application if you want to get into the world of mixing.

Powiększony obraz dla Gemini Groove
Gemini Groove 0/1

Specyfikacja techniczna

Gemini Groove 5.6.3 dla Windows
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
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