Specyfikacja techniczna
- Tytuł
- MAGIX Music Maker 2020 dla Windows
- Wymagania
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 2000
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Język
- Polski
- Dostępne języki
- Niemiecki
- Angielski
- Hiszpański
- Francuski
- Włoski
- Japoński
- Polski
- Chiński
- Licencja
- Darmowa
- Ostatnia aktualizacja
- Autor
- MAGIX Software GmbH
- SHA-1
- Nazwa pliku
- musicmaker.exe
Program dostępny w innych językach
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IOTransfer 3 is a lightweight, yet powerful iOS transfer and management tool. It effectively helps iOS users to manage their content freely, either on a PC or an iOS device. This handy application has been designed for various iOS devices including iPhones, iPads or iPods. Essentially, with IOTransfer 3 you have an easy way to transfer data between your device and a Windows PC. The new and updated IOTransfer provides the easiest way to transfer vital iOS data and brings some new features such as a new GIF Maker and enhanced Video Converter and Contacts features. So, users will now be able to create standout GIFs within seconds, as well as import or export their Outlook and Google contacts in CSV format. Looking for an easy-to-use video converter? This will allow you to add files by dragging and dropping. Simply put, with IOTransfer 3 you have a straightforward and convenient way to freely import and export music, videos, photos, podcasts, books, and voice memos between your iOS devices and your PC. It's a really useful tool that can help to stop you running out of space on your device and assists in keeping your latest data backed up. Key Features include: New GIF Maker, creates animated GIF in seconds. Online Video Downloader. Transfer and backup your important data. Video Converter newly supports adding files by drag and drop Save your video and movies. Transfer photos between iPhone and PC. Contacts, newly supports importing/exporting Outlook and Google contacts in CSV format IOTransfer deletes iOS photos safely. Manage iPhone photos on IOTransfer 3. 1-click upload iPhone music. Manage iPhone apps on IOTransfer 3. Manage iBooks. Transfer voice memos. Manage iPhone videos. Advanced Phone Clean. IOTransfer 3 comes with a Smart iOS Cleaner tool that can be used to scan and clean the iOS system on a regular basis, in order to keep devices running fast. By running the clean function in IOTransfer 3 you can remove useless data in order to free up more precious space. It is important to transfer and backup your data on a regular basis because accidents do happen, and people tend to rely upon their mobile devices more and more. The risk of losing everything on your iOS device and realizing that you have never backed anything up can be gut-wrenching. Thankfully, in addition to transferring your music, photos and videos, IOTransfer 3 is also a handy tool to transfer apps, books, voice memos or other files from your iOS device to your PC safely. A stand out feature of IOTransfer 3 is the Video Downloader tool. This allows you to download online videos from popular video sites such as Youtube, Vimeo, and Instagram etc. Not only can you download them, but you can save them to your PC, or directly to your iOS device, and all in the best supported resolution. IOTransfer offers you an easy and fast iPhone photo transfer and management solution. All your photos in your albums can be exported to your PC and stored as backups. You can also import any photos you want from your PC onto your iOS device as well. IOTransfer AirTrans allows you to wirelessly transfer music, photos, videos and more, between iPhone, iPad and computer via WiFi. Simply convert videos to other audio or video formats like MP4, AVI, MKV, FLV, MP3 and more. Overall, IOTransfer 3 is a great iTunes alternative that in many respects, is easy to manage and not as cumbersome to use as Apple's alternative. The interface is simple to use and easy to navigate and the app has a relatively small footprint.
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RealZeal Easy Video Maker
RealZeal Easy Video Maker to, jak mówi, bardzo łatwy w użyciu edytor wideo, który oferuje szeroki zakres narzędzi. RealZeal Easy Video Maker obejmuje możliwość przechwytywania ekranu, klucz barwy wideo i obraz w obrazie. Te trzy narzędzia sprawiają, że RealZeal Easy Video Maker jest świetną opcją, jeśli myślisz o robieniu komputerowych filmów, takich jak samouczki lub casting do gry. Dodatki zawarte: Utwórz / Zrób wideo 3D Zrzut ekranu Kolor klucza / zielony ekran Obrazek w obrazku Biblioteka efektów RealZeal Easy Video Maker jest również dostarczany w pakiecie z potężnym edytorem audio, który pozwala użytkownikowi wycinać, miksować i łączyć audio, aby stworzyć idealną podkład dla twoich filmów. Podsumowując, RealZeal Easy Video Maker jest przyjaznym zasobom i łatwym w użyciu narzędziem z szeroką gamą narzędzi i funkcji. Pobierz teraz demo i zacznij tworzyć!
TunesKit Apple Music Converter for Windows
Music tracks that have been downloaded from Apple Music's streaming catalog are DRM-protected. This prevents you from offloading them to any other device for playback. TunesKit Apple Music Converter for Windows is a very useful tool that helps Apple Music subscribers easily break DRM lock from M4P songs downloaded from Apple Music and iTunes while converting the DRM-ed M4P tracks to unprotected MP3, AAC, M4B, WAV, FLAC, M4A formats, which are compatible with any media playing device at 30x faster speed. Key Features include: Remove DRM from Apple Music. Convert DRM M4P to MP3, AAC, M4A, M4B, WAV, FLAC. Retain original audio quality as well as ID3 tags info. Import DRM-ed Apple Music songs to PSP, Creative Zen, and iRiver etc. TunesKit DRM Apple Music Converter for Windows also lets you convert DRM-locked Apple Music songs, albums, and playlists from M4P to DRM-free formats such as MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, and M4B etc. Due to the in-built encoding accelerator, TunesKit Apple Music Converter for Windows is able to convert DRM-locked Apple Music files to unprotected formats at 30X faster speed, whilst preserving the ID tags and other information including composer, track number, artwork, artist, disc number, album, year, and genre, etc. Overall, TunesKit DRM Apple Music Converter for Windows is lightweight and has a simple, clean interface coupled with a shallow learning curve.
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