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Recenzja redaktora · 14 czerwca 2024

PhotoFiltre is an image manipulation and retouching app. With it you can accomplish simple or advanced adjustmentsand also apply a vast range of filters.

PhotoFiltre has a simple user interface that is intuitive to use: the app has a standard looking explorer set-up, with a tool bar providing access to the filters and drawing tools, such as pipette, displacement cursor, fill bucket, aerosol, brush, drop of water (blur), cloning stamp, smudge (finger) and magic wand.

Key features:

  • Image browser.
  • Plug-in management.
  • TWAIN compatible device scan support.
  • Transparency management for GIF images and icon export support.
  • Advanced text effects (rotation, shading, bevel).
  • Several types of contours and textures.
  • Blending and assembling of images.

PhotoFiltre has a wide range of filters to allow users to get to grips with this type of image manipulation. The app has standard adjustment functions; brightness, contrast, dyed, saturation, gamma correction, and some more artistic filters; watercolour, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect etc.

PhotoFiltre has a tool called the PhotoMasque module. With this tool you can create advanced effects of transparency on your images by using pre-set masks. PhotoMasque has several basic masks and you can also create your own.

Overall, the app has some really good features and it is easy to get to grips with. The user interface is simple by design and even the novice user will be able to use the standard filter effects.

Powiększony obraz dla PhotoFiltre
PhotoFiltre 0/1

Specyfikacja techniczna

PhotoFiltre 11.6.1 dla Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 10
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
Dostępne języki
  • Arabski
  • Chiński
  • Czeski
  • Duński
  • Niemiecki
  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański
  • Fiński
  • Francuski
  • Włoski
  • Holenderski
  • Polski
  • Portugalski
  • Rosyjski
  • Szwedzki
  • Turecki
Ostatnia aktualizacja
Antonio da Cruz
Nazwa pliku

Program dostępny w innych językach

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