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Recenzja redaktora · 13 sierpnia 2018

WinSysClean is a system cleaning and tweaking utility that is able to undertake a variety of maintenance tasks on your computer, including registry cleaning.

WinSysClean is able to scan all Windows system files and the Windows system Registry for errors. If it comes across any Windows driver errors or system Registry entries that point to missing drivers, these are automatically fixed by WinSysClean.

Key Features include:

  • Maximize PC performance.
  • Windows tune-up.
  • Protect your privacy.
  • Fix Windows Errors.
  • Clean system Registry.
  • Speed up your PC.
  • Free disk space.

The app is easy use navigate, as it comes with a fairly standard, modern looking user interface. At a quick glance you can view system information, system restore points which have been created, RAM and disk usage, along with the date and time of any incorrect Windows shutdowns. If you search for more features, these can be located in the lower toolbar. From here you can view ‘Edit Windows Startup’, ‘Defragment Hard Drive’, ‘Memory Diagnostic’, ‘Uninstall Programs’, and ‘Repair Internet Explorer Favorites’ etc.

Regarding the Windows system Registry, you can select what items you want to delete, whether that be invalid type library entries, app paths, font entries or shared tools entries, obsolete software entries, or any missing file extension associations.

Apart from the interface, which is adequate, the app is let down somewhat by being fairly heavy on your system resources. When you initialize it, WinSysClean suggests you create a system restore point (not mandatory), which is common practice if you are poking around in the Windows system Registry. As soon as the app has created the restore point, you are free to play around and try to see what changes and improvements you can make.

Overall, WinSysClean is a good solution for cleaning up your computer, however it could do with some tweaking here, including making it more streamlined. There are plenty of other options available on the market fir system cleaning, both free and commercial.

Powiększony obraz dla WinSysClean X7
WinSysClean X7 0/2

Specyfikacja techniczna

WinSysClean X7 dla Windows
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Vista
Dostępne języki
  • Niemiecki
  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Włoski
  • Japoński
  • Polski
  • Chiński
Ostatnia aktualizacja
Ultimate Systems
Nazwa pliku

Program dostępny w innych językach

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