NetInfo dla Windows


Tsarfin Computing Ltd.(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika5

NetInfo is an array of network diagnostic tools wrapped up in a single, easy-to-use interface.

The app gives you the tools* you need in order to effectively combat network downtime. With it you can accurately isolate faults, simplify diagnostic data processing and increase internal network security.

Key Features include:

  • Quickly verify network connectivity to another IP address on the network.
  • Display a list of routers between your system and the destination system.
  • Display information about users currently logged on to a specified server.
  • Scans host names for a particular range of IP addresses and displays the state of each address.
  • Lists the available network services - HTTP, Telnet, DNS, SMTP, etc. for a particular host.

NetInfo is a great app for locating bottlenecks in your network. NetInfo analyzes your connection and different aspects of the Internet in order to isolate potential issues. As soon as it locates where the problem lies, it provides you with a selection of tools, which help you solve it.

*NetInfo tools include Local Info, Connections, Ping, Trace, Lookup, Finger, Whois, Daytime, Time, Quote, HTML, Scanner, Services, E-mail, and Web Center.


NetInfo, 8.94 dla Windows
Rozmiar pliku:
6.67 MB
  • Windows 8
Wersja testowa
Dodano datę:
Friday, August 13th 2021
Tsarfin Computing Ltd.


NetInfo dla PC


Tsarfin Computing Ltd.(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika5

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