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Recenzja redaktora · 1 stycznia 2000
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DRIVEfighter strives to deal with interaction and communication to any hardware devices present within a PC. Each computer function will require at least one driver present. This is why a machine without updated drivers can experience reduced performance, instability and even hardware malfunctions. Within just three simple steps DRIVERfighter can update drivers on your Windows PC. Firstly, it will search for any new driver updates, then it will download these new updates before finally installing your updated drivers – and your PC should feel the difference. Key features include: Free Scan. Better stability, performance and productivity. Improved hardware functionality. Enhances cyber safety. Simple and user-friendly process. Gold Microsoft Partner Application Development. The creators of DRIVERfighter argue that their program has the best driver detection on the market, and can flawlessly and quickly detect problems. It has a high-quality database of more than 85,000 drivers from 10,000 device manufacturers. On average around 100 to 700 new drivers are added to the DRIVERfighter database per day. Because of this your PC will automatically receive the latest drivers from just one single location, ensuring that most accurate and up-to-date drivers are at your hands. Overall, this program will make the dilemma of updating all your drivers – from printer, webcam and DVD drivers to Ethernet, USB and Motherboard drivers – go away. Not only will it carry out the tasks, but it will also do it in a simple, safe and secure way, with just one click.
RollBack Rx Home Edition
RollBack Rx Home Edition is, in effect, a time machine for any Microsoft Windows workstation. It works as a comprehensive Windows System Restore solution, which empowers users and IT administrators the ability to easily restore their PC's to any previous state within a matter of seconds. Key features include: Go back to any previous point in time within seconds. Go back to any previous snapshot time, incremented in either minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Supports up to 7 snapshots. Creates a complete system snapshot without having to restart the system. Will reverse any system crash within seconds (even if Windows cannot startup). Ability to back out of any failed program and OS updates. Compatible with VMWare and Virtual Machines, both as a host or within the virtual machine as a client. Locks snapshots to prevent automated deletions. Explore, browse and retrieve files and folders from any snapshot. Drag and drop support. Roll backwards as well as forwards to any available system snapshot. Manually take a snapshot on demand. RollBack Rx Home Edition has a GUI based snapshot manager that is intuitive and easy to navigate; users of all levels of expertise will be able to make use of the application. It can be really useful to those of users who need to install and safely test various software, as it lets users perform 100% uninstallations. If there are any unforeseen incidents such as user errors, viruses or even botched installations, then these can be instantly reversed. One feature, worthy of note is the Task Scheduler that comes pre-configured to a take a snapshot at the first boot of the day and upon execution of a "Setup.exe" function. This is a really neat tool that 'remembers' to undertake snapshots of a PC, in case the user forgets. Overall, RollBack Rx Home Edition can help users better manage a Windows based PC, in the event a system failure due to software installation, or failed Windows update.
Total AV
Total AV can provide advanced antivirus protection for one and all. A full and impressive range of security features are contained within this handy application, which is available across Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices. This new-look program boasts an array of improved facilities. Total AV users can now make great use of the most up-to-date security suite versions, as well as some new add-ons available for purchase. Essentially, this real-time antivirus will block malicious malware while safe site extensions will also prevent phishing URLS. Extensive virus definitions will lead to enhanced protection, as anti-spyware and anti-ransomware strives to protect your identity. Key features include: Scheduled scans. Block phishing URLs. Real-time antivirus. Safe browsing (VPN). Great usability. Remote firewall. Enhance performance. The brand’s motto is ‘your protection is our priority’ and they believe that cybersecurity should be ‘completely hassle free’ for their users. Vowing to do the heavy lifting, TotalAV’s Safe Site browser extension is based on an extensive database of known phishing URLS designed to steal and harvest personal data. By installing this onto your browser it will then always let you know whether a website is safe or not. TotalAV promises to have you covered, whether you have a laptop, smartphone, tablet or PC. Their advanced anti-malware protection is available across multiple platforms, all to ensure that you are protected at home and on the go. Overall, this software is as effective as it is straightforward to get the most out of it. Working diligently in the background, TotalAV will take the stress out of your internet surfing and continue to reassure your cybersecurity worries. A slick interface and constant support only compliments the power of this practical program.
Light Alloy
Light Alloy is a free multimedia player with a simple user interface. The application is highly customizable to suit your specific media requirements and Light Alloy has been optimized to boot as fast as possible, so it won't consume lots of system resources. Light Alloy has support for all popular multimedia formats and there are lots of advanced settings to allow you to customize it to suit whatever media you intend to play on it, whether that be short music videos or epic films. Key Features Include: Fast video rewind, load subtitles, minimize to tray, brightness/contrast/saturation control and infra-red remote control. Light Alloy also supports multimedia keyboards and has support for DVD/Blu-ray (except for BD menus) and MKV/OGM/MP4 formats. With Light Alloy you can make bookmarks in the list or the timeline, view a preview on the timeline and make a selection of audio tracks and subtitles in multilingual films. Light Alloy has built-in video/audio codecs, support for custom codecs, full support for subtitles, WinLIRC support for remote control, configurable playback speed and aspect ratio alignment. You can also customize independent media settings for each file i.e. brightness, contrast, saturation, subtitle and volume.
Adobe Bridge CC
Adobe Bridge, an all-in-one management tool for multimedia files, can help you accomplish many diverse objectives. Essentially, this centralised solution will help organise all of the many photos, videos and songs scattered around your PC. Basic editing features are also included, a welcome relief to those looking to breathe new life into their content. Even if you have no experience of image manager software, Adobe Bridge’s interface will guide you through with ease. Key features include: Integrates with other Adobe products. Bulk import, export and preview CC libraries assets. Highly customisable. Edit photo capture time. Drag-and-drop file flexibility. Support for CEP HTML5. Batch processing. Import photos and videos from mobile devices. Quick organisation. Cache management. Once-lost files can be found and organised in a wealth of ways thanks to this handy program. You can even add ratings, labels and tags to make sure they can be found in the most straightforward way. A priceless feature if you have thousands of files. Metadata can be handled with care and precision thanks to Adobe Bridge. This will allow you to create templates and have better control over your files. Batch commands are also a brilliant addition to this program’s armoury. Not only can you save time, it will also help you better organise and redistribute all of your content with more precision. Overall, Adobe Bridge is a powerful and accomplished solution. It integrates well with other Adobe products and focusses on saving time and cutting out frustration, while also delivering an expert service.
Bitdefender Antivirus Free
Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition has been designed from ground up towards enabling you to do whatever you enjoy doing most with your computer, while staying 100% safe from e-threats. Bitdefender uses its own proprietary technologies, while also improving on basic ones which it then integrates for maximum protection. Features: Real-time Shield - The real time shield is designed to protect access to the entire system. This means that files are scanned as they are accessed or copied. For example, the files you just downloaded from the Internet are scanned immediately. Active Virus Control - Active Virus Control is an innovative proactive detection technology that is able to detect new potential threats for which default protection has not yet been released, very fast and accurately, thus providing an essential protection layer. Intrusion Detection System - This technology makes sure that applications trying to access the Internet or the network are not masked e-threats, by marking them whenever its behavior is suspect and by stopping them if the score becomes high. B-Have - B-HAVE proactively detects unknown threats that other products miss by analyzing applications behavior in a safe environment. If no malicious actions are detected, B-HAVE starts the program normally; otherwise, it will automatically quarantine or delete it. HTTP Scanning - Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition also scans all the links you are accessing from your browser, checking them for various scams or credit card phishing attempts and blocking them when they are unsafe. Anti-rootkit - This technology is used to scan and block rootkits, a stealthy type of software, often malicious, designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection and enable continued privileged access to a computer.
O&O AutoBackup 6 Professional Edition
O&O AutoBackup Professional Edition is a handy app that is able to backup your files automatically and keep them fully in sync. You can backup your photos and videos onto an external HDD or USB in a flash! O&O AutoBackup copies the original files and syncs any future changes to them. The process is totally automatic and it starts in much the same way as plug and play; whenever a portable device such as an external HDD or USB Stick is connected to your PC. Your files are copied 1-1 and placed on the target disk drive, and because of this, they can also be accessed without O&O AutoBackup simply by navigation in the usual way via Windows Explorer. Key Features include: Full Backup, backup of the changes and real time file sync. Advanced program settings. New user interface for an even quicker and easier user experience. Schedule a backup for new connections only, or on a daily/weekly basis. Supports Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Vista. The core auto backup and sync functions in O&O AutoBackup 6 are especially useful for users who up until now have been afraid of using backup software because it was too complicated or involved high maintenance. The useful feature of O&O AutoBackup Professional Edition is that each time an external drive is connected to your PC, O&O AutoBackup Professional Edition checks whether there have been any changes to the files or folders, which are already on the device. If there are any changes, then it synchronizes them so that your backups are always up-to-date. O&O AutoBackup Professional Edition has a simple user interface that is easy to navigate; in just a few clicks you can set up a reliable backup in case of a catastrophe!
Wise Program Uninstaller
Wise Program Uninstaller to przydatne narzędzie, które pomaga odinstalować aplikacje z komputera i usunąć resztki plików. Ma kilka dodatkowych funkcji pod maską w porównaniu do domyślnej funkcji Dodaj lub usuń programy w systemie Windows. Interfejs aplikacji jest czysty i intuicyjny. Wise Program Uninstaller automatycznie wyświetla listę wszystkich zainstalowanych aplikacji w systemie podczas uruchamiania aplikacji. Ta lista zawiera przydatne informacje na temat każdego elementu: nazwę, wydawcę, rozmiar, datę instalacji i wersję. Co ważniejsze, możesz dowiedzieć się o całkowitej liczbie aplikacji zainstalowanych w systemie i zajmowanym rozmiarze na dysku. Wise Program Uninstaller jest wyposażony w dwa tryby odinstalowania: Bezpieczny i Wymuszony. Opcja Bezpieczna wykonuje deinstalację pliku w normalnych warunkach. Próbuje usunąć wszystkie powiązane dane, nie narażając systemu operacyjnego na ryzyko awarii. Opcja Wymuszona wykorzystuje brutalną siłę, aby usunąć odpowiednie dane, wraz z powiązanymi plikami i wpisami rejestru systemu Windows, które mogą pozostać na dysku twardym. Ta opcja na ogół nie jest uważana za bezpieczny środek, ponieważ Windows może później zacząć występować błędy. Gwarantuje to jednak usunięcie wszystkich elementów, które zostały utworzone podczas procesu instalacji. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Wise Program Uninstaller jest szybki w wykonywaniu zadań, zużywa niewielką lub umiarkowaną ilość procesora i pamięci systemowej. Dzięki intuicyjnemu układowi i zaawansowanym funkcjom program Wise Program Uninstaller może być obsługiwany przez użytkowników na wszystkich poziomach umiejętności bez żadnych problemów.
Notepad++ (64-bit)
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL Licence. Based on a powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment. Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding WYSIWYG User Defined Syntax Highlighting Auto-completion Multi-Document Multi-View Regular Expression Search/Replace supported Full Drag 'N' Drop supported Dynamic position of Views File Status Auto-detection Zoom in and zoom out Multi-Language environment supported Bookmark Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting Macro recording and playback
Aplikacja do zdalnego pulpitu
Świetne, bezpłatne narzędzie do czyszczenia komputera
Synapse DUNE 2 VST
Synapse Audio Software excitedly released their DUNE 2 VST program, vowing that it was “better than ever” following a redesign. Synapse DUNE, the original, was the software creator’s most popular synth, but it was rewritten completely from scratch a short time ago. This was carried out to allow for an even wider range of audio features and also to provide better sound quality. Some of the stand-out new additions seen in DUNE 2 have to be the new filters, oscillators, effects and graphical envelopes. Though not compatible with DUNE 1 in any way, they both run well in parallel. Key features include: 8x Unison, up to 520 oscillators per note. 16 voices of polyphony. Four graphical envelopes (MSEG). VA, Wavetable and FM Synthesis. Two oscillator stacks with 32 oscillators each. Third oscillator and noise generator. Three low-frequency oscillators (LFO). Synapse DUNE 2 VST boasts a maximum reserve of 8,320 oscillators at full polyphony. This has led to it being described as “a true unison monster” by its creators, who promise that it is unlikely to ever run out of oscillators. The program also offers zero-delay feedback filters, as well as modulation matrix for synth and FX parameters. An innovative Arpeggiator with MIDI file import is another feature which has excited prospective users, as has two master FX busses which have nine high-quality effects each. Overall, although DUNE 1 was Synapse’s most popular synth they took a gamble and rewrote the program completely. It’s fair to say that this gamble paid off in style. With better sound quality and a huge range of additional features, Synapse DUNE 2 VST is set to keep Windows users more than satisfied while making music well into the future.
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