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Recenzja redaktora · 3 kwietnia 2019

Thanks to F-Secure FREEDOME VPN you will be able to protect your privacy and change your virtual location. The latest program in a long line of cyber security triumphs from F-Secure has not disappointed and is giving subscribers great usability and results.

This virtual private network (VPN) does two important things. Firstly, it conceals your true location; making sure that no-one can see what you do online. This will include the websites you visit, the Wi-Fi you used and other personal information.

Key features include:
  • Access blocked content.
  • Complete privacy.
  • Wi-Fi security.
  • Surf safe and untracked.
  • Great usability.
  • No ads, unlimited bandwidth.

It encrypts your traffic data when it leaves your device so that nobody else can read it. The data will also go through a VPN server before it goes anywhere. Because of this websites will see the data coming from the VPN server, not your device, therefore your location and IP address will remain private.

F-Secure’s developers are particularly proud of their VPN due to its friendly interface. As soon as you download it you are just one click away from achieving complete privacy. They add that it was “designed with a smooth user experience at its heart”.

Even on unsecured public Wi-Fi your traffic is encrypted and impossible to intercept. FREEDOME will block unwanted third-party tracking and malicious sites. This will also halt advertisers making money at the expense of your privacy.

Overall, F-Secure FREEDOME VPN provides an effective service, while also delivering a faultless user experience. Available on both Mac and PC this program is available globally and part of a brand which boasts around three decades worth of experience in providing internet security.

Powiększony obraz dla F-Secure FREEDOME VPN

Specyfikacja techniczna

F-Secure FREEDOME VPN 2.27.5861.0 dla Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 98
Dostępne języki
  • Niemiecki
  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański
  • Francuski
  • Włoski
  • Japoński
  • Polski
  • Chiński
Wersja testowa
Ostatnia aktualizacja
F-Secure Corporation
Nazwa pliku

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Program dostępny w innych językach

Lista zmian

Nie mamy jeszcze żadnych informacji o dzienniku zmian wersji 2.27.5861.0 F-Secure FREEDOME VPN. Czasami wydawcy poświęcają trochę czasu na udostępnienie tych informacji, więc sprawdź ponownie za kilka dni, aby sprawdzić, czy zostały zaktualizowane.

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